From this creating this short animation i have personally discovered a couple more useful things in relation to animation, one rather obvious one is that attempting a short straight ahead animation without storyboarding beforehand takes much longer than it initally should and also that when animating two characters interacting a scene attempting to animate them both seperately then animating the interactions does work but not as well as it could.
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Character animation
Concidering my project is not only on motion capture and imitaion i created a short piece of performance animation while attempting to keep a couple of things in mind. These were attempting to have 2 characters interact in a scene, animating a exaggerated and a subtle character, attempting to lead the eye of the viewer and basically most of the 7 essential acting concepts outlined at the beginning of "Acting for Animators" by Ed Hooks.
This is the piece i ended up with, allthough there is no sound to go with the animation my thoughts at the time was the first character asking " Well? What do you think?" and the second character repling with "it's ok". The scene itself was originally going to be losely based on my own personal experience of the university interview however as the scene developed so did the concept so it has ended up being one freind asking another for their opinion on their written work.
From this creating this short animation i have personally discovered a couple more useful things in relation to animation, one rather obvious one is that attempting a short straight ahead animation without storyboarding beforehand takes much longer than it initally should and also that when animating two characters interacting a scene attempting to animate them both seperately then animating the interactions does work but not as well as it could.
From this creating this short animation i have personally discovered a couple more useful things in relation to animation, one rather obvious one is that attempting a short straight ahead animation without storyboarding beforehand takes much longer than it initally should and also that when animating two characters interacting a scene attempting to animate them both seperately then animating the interactions does work but not as well as it could.
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